Renovations to the entire tennis complex have been completed. Improvements include new windscreens, new upgraded LED lighting, new tennis nets, the complete resurfacing of the complex and to accommodate the growing pickleball club, striping for two additional pickleball courts. With these added courts, ONCC has created a shared, multi-use sport court facility for all Oaks North residents.
Under the current Community Center restricted operating conditions, only club members of tennis or pickleball are allowed to use the tennis or multi-use sport court. View the individual club pages for information on joining either, or both clubs.
The ONCC Directive for the shared use can be found by CLICKING HERE.
The ONCC approved schedule of use between sports on the EAST court can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Restricted paddle use on ONCC pickleball courts: Oaks North Community Center has adopted the SCG paddle rules & restrictions as the basic rules for play on our courts. Only approved "Green Zone" quiet paddles and "quiet" balls may be used on the multi-use shared courts #3 & 4. There are no ball or paddle restrictions for the upper courts #1 & 2. ONCC reserves the right to restrict at any time, ANY PADDLE deemed not quiet enough for play on courts #3 & 4, even if listed as approved on the SCG Green Zone list. PADDLE RULES AND GREEN ZONE APPROVED LIST.