During my career in higher education as a faculty member and administrator, I managed programs and facilities (student unions and athletic facilities) somewhat like the community Center. I retired from Arizona State University with Emeritus status in 2008.
My wife Vina and I have been oaks North owners since 2005. I am actively involved with the Hiking group, the Brainiacs discussion group, the Philosophy group and the Travel Club. I have been an active participant at Center activities, have presented lectures and workshops for the enter and have been active in my HOA. I also currently serve on the Board of the North County chapter of the World Affairs Council.
My vision is that the community Center can serve as an extension of my Oaks North home - sort of an extended indoor/outdoor family room for the community where I can go to meet with others, to learn about or discuss a variety of topics of interest, read a newspaper or book, do some crafting, enjoy some physical activity like working out, swimming, tennis, lawn bowling or pickleball, go on a hike with friends travel to some interesting places or just to hang out and relax. An engaging and active Community Center adds to the quality of my life and the economic value of my home.